
Matt Baker and his family have been closely associated with the Canberra community in providing transportation and delivery logistics for high volume FMCG goods for some 35 years. By any measure, a considerable period providing sustained attention to detail and delivering exceptional customer service and satisfaction.

Some two years ago, Matt embarked on an ambitious journey to broaden his “MBL” operation’s 3PL capabilities to provide additional capability for his clients.

ILR was very pleased to support Matt in this initiative.

Matt is a “hands on” and committed business exponent; a skilled and pragmatic distribution professional of the highest standard.

Matt and the MBL team consistently and continuously delivers cost effective, time efficient and optimum outcomes for our Group and its members, accompanied by security, information reporting and tracking systems which are unparalleled by any other operator in the industry.

Our Group continues to work closely with Matt and leverage the opportunities available from our strong association.